Friday, February 4, 2011

Key health messages

Vorschau1. Wash hands regularly with soap and water.
2. Use tissues to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
3. Put used tissues in a bin as soon as possible.
4. Swine flu is an illness of the lungs.
5. It is caused by a virus.
6. A virus is a sort of germ that can only be seen under a powerful microscope.
7. It is spread by droplets that come out of your mouth and nose when you sneeze.
8. Cover your mouse and nose when you sneeze with the tissue- If you dont, other people might breathe the droplets and catch the flu.
9. If you cough and sneeze into your hand, its easy to spread from your hand onto things you touch, so hand washing is really important.
10. The virus can live for quite a long time on things like door handles, computers, keyboards and the TV remote control.

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